Browse Collections (18 total)

The Undocumented and Unidentified Riparian Community named Jetor

Jetor Men (Jol Dhala).png

The Jetors comprise a community living incognito on the edges of the rivers, Kangsabati and Subarnarekha. They find no mention in the government…

Contributors: Dr Debdas Roy

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Cultural Texts From the Sundarbans


A collection of cultural texts performed by various communities living in the Sundarbans in West Bengal.

Contributors: Sk. Samsuddin - 9775675255

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Night of Theatre n°10

Drama Invitation.jpg

Night of Theatre n°10 (French La Nuit des Idées), an amazing night-long open air theatre of contemporary performing arts and inventive thought, will…

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Jhapan Utsav


Jhapan Utsav or Jhapan Mela is a very popular festival celebrated in Bishnupur, Bankura.  Held on the last day of the Bengali month of Sravan…

Contributors: Bharat K Mahato: 9732120369

Amalendu Mandal: 9434589114

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Baha Parab

Baha Parab

‘Baha’, is a Santali word which literally means ‘flowers’. Baha Festival is one of the most important rituals that is celebrated in honour of ‘Jaher…

Contributors: Manindra Nath Murmu: 9735559560

Srimat Saren: 9547383792

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Paik Naach

Paik Naach

Dr. Subrata Mukhopadhyay, who has conducted extensive research on folk cultures in the Jangalmahal region, pointed out that the “Paik-naach” was…


Parimal Dolai: 9933792051

 Jiten Mallik: 9800415089

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Cultural Texts of Ashura Community

Cultural Texts ofAshuraCommunity

The Ashura community resides mostly in the Malbazar subdivision of Jalpaiguri district. Carron Tea Estate, located near the Chunpatang river, has a…

Contributors: Sudha Asur: 9800489253

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Cultural Texts of Rava Community

Cultural Texts (Fishing-Dance) ofRavaCommunity

We interviewed several members of the community who were involved in the performance of the fishing-dance, led by Sri Rabi Rava. The Rava community,…

Contributors: Rabi Rava : 9749889963
Bivisan Rava: 9800784287

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Lalita Shabar Pala

Lalita Sabar Pala

The Lalita Shabar Pala is the endangered folk representative text of the Kheria Shabar community. The Kheria Shabars are the inhabitants of the…


Jagatjyoti Nanda: 8348811587

Sukumar Chanda: 8001268623

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Churia-Churianir Pala

Churia-Churianir Pala

“Churia Churianir Pala” is the story of two birds—Churia and Churiani—who symbolize a married couple. Churia, the husband, goes abroad for twelve…

Contributors: Mihir Dandapat: 9732952758
Dr. Subrata K Mukherjee: 9932540778

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