Workshop on "Documentation and Digitization of Bodo (Mech) Cultural Texts and Languages" 

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Workshop on "Documentation and Digitization of Bodo (Mech) Cultural Texts and Languages" 


Workshop on "Documentation and Digitization of Bodo (Mech) Cultural Texts and Languages" 


Various theories abound as to the true nature of the origins of the Mech tribe. The name “Mech”, for instance, is said to have come down from the word “mlechchha”. Another theory suggests that the name was bestowed upon the tribe since they had supposedly crossed the Mechi river from Nepal towards India. The Bodo community in North Bengal is often referred to as Sanjaari by the same tribe living in Nepal, while the same community is referred to as Bardanaari by the Mech tribe. The Mech tribe follows an animistic religion called Bathouism.

While the Dhimal community is still fighting for the right to be classified as a tribe, the Bodo community has been classified as a tribe for many years. The community enjoys a special status in Assam, where its script, culture, and literature has been celebrated for many years. The Bodo Sahitya Sabha, which is the parent body of the Paschim Banga Bodo Sahitya Sabha, has served as an important voice in Assamese public life. However, the Mech tribe in North Bengal has not enjoyed much patronage of this kind.


UGC-SAP III, DRS Phase II, Department of English, Vidyasagar University


Vill- Basti Bazar, P.O- Paschim Satali, Dist- Alipurduar, PIN- 735214


UGC-SAP III, DRS Phase-II, Department of English, Vidyasagar University




Subin Saiba: 9434410936
Shyamam Ch. Boro: 9932531511


© Department of English, Vidyasagar University


Naach, Dance, Gaan, Song, Performing Arts of Bengal, Performance Studies


JPG Image Files, AVCHD Video File




Performing Art and Cultural Text


The Department of English, Vidyasagar University had undertaken a Field Trip to Vill- Basti Bazar, P.O- Paschim Satali, Dist- Alipurduar, West Bengal on 12.09. 2016 under the aegis of UGC-SAP III, DRS Phase II Project entitled "Translation, documentation, and conservation of Tribal Oral Folk Literature and Cultural Texts of West Bengal"


Folk Performance/ Folk Drama of Bengal

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Workshop on "Documentation and Digitization of Bodo (Mech) Cultural Texts and Languages" 
Various theories abound as to the true nature of the origins of the Mech tribe. The name “Mech”, for instance, is said to have come down from the word “mlechchha”. Another theory suggests that the name was bestowed upon the tribe since they had…
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